‘Evil Nina’ 885103/01 Universal Genève Compax


A few days ago, I was debating with a friend just what the purest expression of the Valjoux 72 was. There’s a lot play with here, he holds it’s an Oyster Paul Newman, which is hard to argue with. But the Daytona was just one of hundreds of references that the noble Valjoux 72 powered,…

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885103/01 ‘Evil Nina’ Universal Genève Compax


A few evenings ago, I popped round a cocktail bar I quite like here called Death&Co. It’s trendy. The sort where the bartender will give you a disapproving scowl if you order a scotch neat, as I always do, instead of the ‘Disco Kitten’ which includes chiles and a sprig of thyme, towering out of…

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